Poppin' Tags

Budget Saving Grocery Tips

If you’ve ever cried for being overcharged at the grocery store, I’ve been there! My avocado debacle of 2012 (yes, of course I remember the year?!) is funny to look back now. However, when you don’t have money and you thought (said avocado) was on sale and then you realize you were charged full price and now only have $5 to your name, oh man, let the flood gates open! Below are some helpful tips for navigating healthy on a next-to-nothing budget to keep those flood gates in check.

Grocery Shopping Tips & Tricks

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  • Only buy novelty items on sale! I can’t stress this enough because saving $1-$4 for each item can really add up. Look at my post, Grocery Staples to get the breakdown and see how waiting for sales can add up!
  • Is it really on sale?! I always check under the “sale tag” because sometimes the grocery story is trying to pull a fast one on you.
  • Be creative in the kitchen! I always adapt recipes based on what’s on sale or else what I have at my house.
  • I personally love Natural Grocers and Aldi’s as my grocery stores! They balance each other out in price and selection.
  • Stick with your budget! Back in college, I had $2o to spend a week on BOTH gas and groceries. That meant I had to be very creative with my spending. I ate a lot of peanut butter, raisins and carrots during that time. Oh, good times! But sticking with my budget allowed me to study abroad my last semester of undergrad. Sticking with your budget can create an amazing payoff in the end. What’s your reason for creating a budget?!
  • Last but not least, Eat At Home! Going out to eat is a ton of fun but it adds up! I go out to eat maybe once a month to celebrate an event but otherwise, I stick to my kitchen.