Healthy Mind

Being a millennial is not as easy as it looks. We have everything at our fingertips but we also have outrageous student loan debt, high rent prices, delayed marriage, crumbling economy and so forth. Those on the millennial track with me understand this better than anyone. The unlimited choices and “sky is the limit” attitude is great! But these unlimited possibilities can make happiness seem impossible.

I always thought achieving happiness was a level above contentment because being content meant settling. And settling was never good enough.  Now I’m realizing contentment and happiness could actually be one in the same.

I’m guilty of following different paths in search of happiness. I’ve moved across the pond (twice), moved cities and changed jobs about every two years all in search of a “happier” life. Even though I have an amazing family and great support network, I felt an overwhelming sense that something was missing. I could be happier “if this happened” or “that was different”.

I kept searching for my “one, true life path”, but with each move, it seemed to be getting further away. After years of some epic fails and counseling, I’m finding peace and direction in life. I’m learning life doesn’t have one path. there are options and whichever one I end up choosing will work out!

It’s easy to keep searching for a better life, falling short and wanting to give up. I encourage you to keep going, remained focused and analyze your life goals. The “Healthy Mind” Blog portion will breakdown different strategies that can help you set goals, let go of past failures and move forward in the right direction. After all, “Life’s a Garden, Dig it”-Joe Dirt.